DMG - DMF 300 - 5 AXIS

DMG - DMF 300 - 5 AXIS

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Deckel Maho DMF 300 Linear,

built in 2002


CONTROLS: CNC SIEMENS Sinumerik 840 D power line,


X: 3,000 mm

Y: 560 mm

Z: 720 mm

Spindle mount SK40

Spindle speed: max 12,000 rpm (limited to 6,000 by gearbox)

Tool magazine for 40 tools


Operating hours: 21,865

Spindle hours: only 9,320


Very reliable, stable and good machine! No maintenance backlog!


- In recent years, small items such as belt pulleys, hydraulic accumulators, scrapers, linkages have been added, regardless of the maintenance positions

- In 2018 a new Z-axis ball screw came in. The engine gearbox was also overhauled

- Rotary table 560mm (4th axis) for assembly also available and part of the sale


The orientation of the Hirth toothing when swiveling would have to be readjusted. However, we only use the machine as a pure 3-axis machine and have never had any restrictions as a result.

Deployment of the DMG technician 4-5 hours may be necessary for this mantainance


ModelDMF-300 5 AXIS
Stock Number0099